The Benefits of Being a Tall Woman

In the United States, a woman is considered fairly tall if she measures over 5’8″ in height (in flats.) Add a pair of trendy stilettos, and she might just give pro basketball players a run for their money. But if you are a tall woman—more specifically, if you grew up as a tall girl, life may not have always been sweet. I, for one, was almost always taller than my classmates, both girls and boys. It wasn’t always a pleasant experience, as there were times when I didn’t feel quite as “girly” as my feminine cohorts. But over time, I have realized that there are virtually tons of benefits to being a tall person. In fact, I often thank both of my tall parents for finding each other attractive enough to get together and make me. And here some of the reasons why…


Clothes Fit Better

There is a definite reason why fashion models generally must be a certain height if they plan on strutting down the runway in couture classics. This is because clothes generally hang better on people who have longer frames. Growing up, I was both tall and skinny. But after I hit puberty, I realized that the clothes I saw in fashion magazines looked better on people with shapes like mine. I was often complimented for my sense of style. But in reality, it was probably my thin, tall frame that helped clothes fall where they should have. When a woman has a tall physique, clothing tends to drape over her lines and curves, which actually looks better on camera, and in photographs.


Like it or not, people who are “vertically blessed” are often seen as strong, confident people. Now this may or may not be true all of the time. But it is common knowledge that when people having to look up to someone physically, sometimes subconsciously “look up” to them on a psychological level.CNN even provided some statistics which revealed that taller people have a tendency to make more money than their smaller counterparts. Additionally taller people have medically been linked to higher intelligence. This might account for the theory that tall people themselves feel more confident, especially when surrounded by shorter individuals. At any rate, I realized as an adult that many women who were shorter than I, longed to be taller. This in and of itself helped me to realize that my physical appearance was not something to feel awkward about; it was something to be proud of.


Tall women who walk with their heads high, their shoulders thrust back, and with a firm step are less likely to be attacked by criminals. A s was referenced in an article by Associated Content writer, Jillita Horton, women who are taller than average are less likely to be targeted in crimes. For one thing, many male perpetrators fall between 5’9″ and 5’11” in height (if not shorter). Even if a perpetrator is taller, he may see a particularly tall woman as too much of a potential threat to his attempt(s) to overpower her. That being said, a woman’s height coupled with her natural air of confidence is probably more than sufficient in deterring criminals from making her a target.

Social Events

It may seem purely superficial; but being a tall woman does grant her certain social benefits. At concerts, in movies, and other places where crowds and stages are involved, an elevated height is nothing short of fabulous. Moreover, women who reach taller heights most often have long limbs to match; and those long limbs are great for reaching things. One year I was at a nightclub where Boris Kudjoe was appearing. There were swarms of women all rushing to shake his hand and/or get an autograph. I simply walked through the crowd and stood still. I lifted my long arm in the air, and within seconds, Boris shook my hand and signed an autograph with a smile. I credit this immediate attention to the fact that my fellow lady friends simply could not reach him as easily.

I also reaped the benefits of being “height-enhanced” at a Lenny Kravitz concert one year. During this particular concert in Atlanta, Lenny decided to come down from the stage, run down the aisle and embrace some of his fans. Because of my long arms, again I was able to lay hands on my of my favorite artists. This may sound incredibly silly. But look at it this way: giraffes have long necks so that they can feed from the tallest trees in the forest. Tall women have long arms so that they can reach out and touch rock stars.