Do Guys Really like Shorter women ?

Every man has a preference, or an ideal, in his mind as to what he desires in a woman. He may desire a certain height, a certain weight or shape, a particular hair color, or certain personality traits. Men throughout the world have longed for almost every attribute in every woman. However, down through the ages, a popular and encompassing belief has arisen: that men prefer women who they can provide for, who are smaller and weaker than them, who are more demure and more proper, and who acknowledge this difference.

Do Guys Really like Shorter women

So now the question arises: do men prefer girls of below average height? This is a loaded question, as with the question of beauty and the question of slenderness. It is, however, an accurate one, considering how strongly men favor protectability from their women. A shorter stature does indeed help a man to feel stronger, more masculine, and more able-bodied. I would submit that this is not what men look for in a woman.

Shape. Men have many variations in their preference for shape, but the underlying factor is how the woman presents her shape. Men like women who show off their curves, not necessarily in a trashy or evocative way, but with clothing that fits properly, proper posture and full movement of their bodies. Many women who are self concious limit the movements in their bodies, looking strained and awkward. The key is not so much to be graceful, but to be free with your movements, enjoying a flick of your wrist, crossing your legs freely on the couch, or rolling around with a child on the floor, without thought as to how you appear. Women who are not too self-aware draw admiration of their free movements and ready laughter.

Sexuality. Men love women who love to have sex. If you are just dating, or are not in a long-term relationship, you can express sexuality in other forms. Men love women who are free (not loose) with their bodies and have and know their own boundaries. If you are a prude, be a prude! But don’t scrunch up your shoulders, cross your arms in front of your chest and turn away. Just playfully hit the guy and, laughing, say “No!” That’s it. Don’t make a large issue out of it when it’s not. Keep your body comfortable and playful, remembering that self confidence is the most attractive quality for you to have, whether or not you accompany this with physical touch.

Feminity. Men love women to be women. Don’t think you’re being too girly or too sexy when you dress up. Remember, if you are too self aware or uncomfortable, this can easily ruin the effect of a beautiful outfit. If you don’t feel comfortable expressing yourself in your clothing, change your clothing. Do not, for the sake of fashion, act like a shy, stand-offish fashionista. You’d be much more appealing being a self-confident hobo who loves herself.

Now we understand that, even though a shorter height may appeal to a man, unless he is short himself, this is not likely to be important criteria for him. Men love women who love their own shape, whatever shape that is (and change it if they don’t, rather than complaining in public about it). They love women who express their sexuality, or lack of it, freely and easily, without seeming to take themselves too seriously. And men love women who are feminine, whether you’re a bright-eyed, sporty girl or a dressed-to-the-nines girly girl. This is one area where size does not matter.