Do Guys Really like Shorter women ?

Every man has a preference, or an ideal, in his mind as to what he desires in a woman. He may desire a certain height, a certain weight or shape, a particular hair color, or certain personality traits. Men throughout the world have longed for almost every attribute in every woman. However, down through the ages, a popular and encompassing belief has arisen: that men prefer women who they can provide for, who are smaller and weaker than them, who are more demure and more proper, and who acknowledge this difference.

Do Guys Really like Shorter women

So now the question arises: do men prefer girls of below average height? This is a loaded question, as with the question of beauty and the question of slenderness. It is, however, an accurate one, considering how strongly men favor protectability from their women. A shorter stature does indeed help a man to feel stronger, more masculine, and more able-bodied. I would submit that this is not what men look for in a woman.

Shape. Men have many variations in their preference for shape, but the underlying factor is how the woman presents her shape. Men like women who show off their curves, not necessarily in a trashy or evocative way, but with clothing that fits properly, proper posture and full movement of their bodies. Many women who are self concious limit the movements in their bodies, looking strained and awkward. The key is not so much to be graceful, but to be free with your movements, enjoying a flick of your wrist, crossing your legs freely on the couch, or rolling around with a child on the floor, without thought as to how you appear. Women who are not too self-aware draw admiration of their free movements and ready laughter.

Sexuality. Men love women who love to have sex. If you are just dating, or are not in a long-term relationship, you can express sexuality in other forms. Men love women who are free (not loose) with their bodies and have and know their own boundaries. If you are a prude, be a prude! But don’t scrunch up your shoulders, cross your arms in front of your chest and turn away. Just playfully hit the guy and, laughing, say “No!” That’s it. Don’t make a large issue out of it when it’s not. Keep your body comfortable and playful, remembering that self confidence is the most attractive quality for you to have, whether or not you accompany this with physical touch.

Feminity. Men love women to be women. Don’t think you’re being too girly or too sexy when you dress up. Remember, if you are too self aware or uncomfortable, this can easily ruin the effect of a beautiful outfit. If you don’t feel comfortable expressing yourself in your clothing, change your clothing. Do not, for the sake of fashion, act like a shy, stand-offish fashionista. You’d be much more appealing being a self-confident hobo who loves herself.

Now we understand that, even though a shorter height may appeal to a man, unless he is short himself, this is not likely to be important criteria for him. Men love women who love their own shape, whatever shape that is (and change it if they don’t, rather than complaining in public about it). They love women who express their sexuality, or lack of it, freely and easily, without seeming to take themselves too seriously. And men love women who are feminine, whether you’re a bright-eyed, sporty girl or a dressed-to-the-nines girly girl. This is one area where size does not matter.

The Benefits of Being a Tall Woman

In the United States, a woman is considered fairly tall if she measures over 5’8″ in height (in flats.) Add a pair of trendy stilettos, and she might just give pro basketball players a run for their money. But if you are a tall woman—more specifically, if you grew up as a tall girl, life may not have always been sweet. I, for one, was almost always taller than my classmates, both girls and boys. It wasn’t always a pleasant experience, as there were times when I didn’t feel quite as “girly” as my feminine cohorts. But over time, I have realized that there are virtually tons of benefits to being a tall person. In fact, I often thank both of my tall parents for finding each other attractive enough to get together and make me. And here some of the reasons why…


Clothes Fit Better

There is a definite reason why fashion models generally must be a certain height if they plan on strutting down the runway in couture classics. This is because clothes generally hang better on people who have longer frames. Growing up, I was both tall and skinny. But after I hit puberty, I realized that the clothes I saw in fashion magazines looked better on people with shapes like mine. I was often complimented for my sense of style. But in reality, it was probably my thin, tall frame that helped clothes fall where they should have. When a woman has a tall physique, clothing tends to drape over her lines and curves, which actually looks better on camera, and in photographs.


Like it or not, people who are “vertically blessed” are often seen as strong, confident people. Now this may or may not be true all of the time. But it is common knowledge that when people having to look up to someone physically, sometimes subconsciously “look up” to them on a psychological level.CNN even provided some statistics which revealed that taller people have a tendency to make more money than their smaller counterparts. Additionally taller people have medically been linked to higher intelligence. This might account for the theory that tall people themselves feel more confident, especially when surrounded by shorter individuals. At any rate, I realized as an adult that many women who were shorter than I, longed to be taller. This in and of itself helped me to realize that my physical appearance was not something to feel awkward about; it was something to be proud of.


Tall women who walk with their heads high, their shoulders thrust back, and with a firm step are less likely to be attacked by criminals. A s was referenced in an article by Associated Content writer, Jillita Horton, women who are taller than average are less likely to be targeted in crimes. For one thing, many male perpetrators fall between 5’9″ and 5’11” in height (if not shorter). Even if a perpetrator is taller, he may see a particularly tall woman as too much of a potential threat to his attempt(s) to overpower her. That being said, a woman’s height coupled with her natural air of confidence is probably more than sufficient in deterring criminals from making her a target.

Social Events

It may seem purely superficial; but being a tall woman does grant her certain social benefits. At concerts, in movies, and other places where crowds and stages are involved, an elevated height is nothing short of fabulous. Moreover, women who reach taller heights most often have long limbs to match; and those long limbs are great for reaching things. One year I was at a nightclub where Boris Kudjoe was appearing. There were swarms of women all rushing to shake his hand and/or get an autograph. I simply walked through the crowd and stood still. I lifted my long arm in the air, and within seconds, Boris shook my hand and signed an autograph with a smile. I credit this immediate attention to the fact that my fellow lady friends simply could not reach him as easily.

I also reaped the benefits of being “height-enhanced” at a Lenny Kravitz concert one year. During this particular concert in Atlanta, Lenny decided to come down from the stage, run down the aisle and embrace some of his fans. Because of my long arms, again I was able to lay hands on my of my favorite artists. This may sound incredibly silly. But look at it this way: giraffes have long necks so that they can feed from the tallest trees in the forest. Tall women have long arms so that they can reach out and touch rock stars.

Why, for Women, Being Tall Isn’t the Same as Being Fat

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Tall Women: Rude Comments About Being Tall Giving You Stress?

Some content on this page was disabled on February 16, 2017 as a result of a DMCA takedown notice from Jillita Horton. You can learn more about the DMCA here:

Tall Women: Comments About Height Driving You Mad?

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5 Dating Tips for Tall women


Here are five dating tips for tall women. First of all, ask yourself what kind of shoes you’d wear with that dynamite outfit if you were shorter. Then, go buy yourself those shoes and wear them, even if you’re 6-2. That’s dating tip # 1 for tall women.

What tall women have to realize, when it comes to dating, is that they have an extraordinary advantage. They have an edge. And once she realizes what this edge is, then she will be much more self-confident when it comes to meeting the opposite sex. And that’s dating tip #2 for tall women: Realize that your height will help you quickly filter through all the frogs out there.

If men are intimidated by your height, then this is not the kind of guy you’d want to get involved with. You learn this quickly because he sees your height immediately. But shorter women, whom these men are more attracted to, must waste time getting to know these men over a period of time before finally realizing that they’re shallow in character. The tall woman finds this out immediately; the shorter lady winds up going on many dates before finding out. If you had average height, would you be attracted to a fellow who’s intimidated by tall women? I don’t think so.

Dating tip #3 for tall women: Practice good posture. Slumping and slouching are real turn-offs and give off signs that you lack self-assuredness. Just as you’d be turned off by a man who exudes lack of confidence and a lot of self-doubt, the same is true in reverse: Men are put off by slouching women who feel awkward about their bodies.

Dating tip #4 for tall women: You can boost self-confidence by memorizing some clever responses to throw at men who might say rude things to you about your height.

If a man questions why you’re wearing heels, tell him: “So I can see that bald spot on the top of your head,” or, “So I can make you realize how short you are.”

If a man asks you if you ever get mistaken for a man, tell him, “No. Do you?”

If a man asks how you got to be so tall, say, “My parents watered me every day when I was a child.

Dating tip # 5 for tall women: It helps to realize that there’s another reason why some men are not interested in women of height — they just aren’t interested, that’s all. They may also not be interested in blondes or women with straight hair, for that matter. Or short women. Or skinny gals.

Just like you yourself have physical requirements, such as you might be turned off by men who are skinny, bearded, bald, geeky looking, red-headed, etc. Don’t take it personally if a man doesn’t care for tall ladies. This doesn’t mean something is wrong with you. Think of how silly it would be if that bald skinny man thought something was wrong with him just because you’re not attracted to bald skinny guy

Do Tall Men Prefer Short Women

Is it really true? Tall Men Prefer Short Women? Are all the short women with the tall men? Are the tall men always with a short woman? I don’t know; maybe a tall woman sees only what she expects to see in the world of meeting men. Tall women seem to have made this observation more than shorter women, when it comes to meeting men.


You can learn a lot about what tall women think by reading the “tall quotes” pages of My experience is that usually, tall men are with tall women, and…short women are with short men. In fact, I see this all the time: A short man with an even shorter woman! Even if he’s around 5-5, his woman is almost always shorter!

Quite often I see really tall women with even taller men. However, I have indeed seen tall men with their arms around a pint-sized woman. According to many tall women who post on the tall quotes pages, tall men have a preference for short women for one notable reason.

Tall men feel threatened by tall women, even if the tall woman isn’t as tall as he is.

A number of posts make this claim. Many of the claims are based on first-hand experience by very tall women who get rejected by even taller men. The theory is that, for example, a man who’s 6-2 doesn’t quite feel he’s the protector or superior in the relationship, if his woman is only three inches shorter, let alone equal in height.

But his protector instinct really kicks in if his girlfriend is 5-5 or 5-3. But what if she has a black belt inkarate or is a competitive power lifter? Will the tall man feel threatened and go back to that lanky 5-11 woman who asked him out?

Maybe this phenomenon is true in some cases; that the protector instinct is dismantled by a woman who’s as tall as most men. But what about the possibility that a 6-3 man was drawn to a 5-3 woman because of her smile, eyes and laugh — three items that often draw a man to a woman in the first place? What if that short little thing just happens to have common interests with that tall guy? What if there’s chemistry, and the height difference is just a coincidence?

WHAT IF…that tall man, whom the tall women think is theirs, actually judges that short woman by what’s inside her?

According to the posts, some tall women believe that the tall men, indeed, belong to them because it’s very hard for them to get boyfriends; whereas, short women can have their pick because even a short man of 5-7 wouldn’t feel “intimidated” by a woman of 5-3. As one poster says, “Short women have a sea of men to choose from, and we don’t.”

There is this feeling that the short girls “take” the tall men away from the tall women. I’m 5-8, and I’ll be honest with you: The ideal height for me, in a man, is 6-2. But this has nothing to do with my height. If I were 5-3, I’d still want him to be 6-2. If I were six feet (oh, how I wish !), I’d STILL want him to be 6-2, or maybe 6-3. But 6-4 and over is just too big, not relative to my size, but just in general. Keep in mind, too, that many men add an inch or two to their height when giving it out.

The Great Of Tall Women

Most women never get over 5′ 8″ tall. They say the average height for women is around 5′ 6″. From what I have seen in my life most men seem to prefer women shorter than them. It seems men are intimidated by tall women. There is nothing wrong with short women but there is some great things about tall women that most men do not consider. I intend to outline some those things in this article.

Long Legs

If your a leg man like me tall women with good legs is a very good thing. There is more to look at and enjoy. Tall women can be very attractive and I am not just talking about looks either. There is just something great about a tall women with a great pair of legs. Her long legs means she has a bigger lap so you can lay your head in her lap easier.

Great for slow dancing

With any women who loves to dance you can cut a rug with. However, with a tall women she can actually lay her head on your shoulder instead of your chest like short women. She could kiss your neck easier and blow in your ear while dancing. You can also hold her close without breaking your back.

Great for cuddling

With tall women when your sitting close to each other you can have an easier time of kissing and cuddling. No problem looking her straight in the eyes. She doesn’t have to look up at you and can play with your hair and hold you. Tall women are not intimidated by a tall man and can take the lead. I find that kind of refreshing.

Less competition

Since most men are intimidated by tall women you have less competition for her attention. Most men will shy away from going up to a tall women. Which leaves an opening for guys like me. When she sees with you that her height is not an issue she is ready to want to get to know you better. Lets face it women like a man who is not prejudice about her size, height, or features.

Right places

Just like shorter women tall women have their body parts in all the right places. The only difference between the two is height. Tall women can be just as pretty as shorter women can. In fact I find them attractive and very desirable. That doesn’t mean I haven’t dated shorter women cause I have. You will probably find that with taller women you could sit in their lap once in awhile. A tall woem sitting in my lap is just fantastic too.

You may find that shorter women are more to your liking but for me I say the taller the better. Doesn’t matter if they are taller than me.


Advice for tall women Meet Men

Meeting men is of special concern for very tall women. When tall women are looking for men, they may sometimes feel very self-conscious about being tall and appearing too tall, especially next to a man. Even if the man himself is tall, a tall woman who is taller may feel awkward.


Are very tall women best at giving advice to tall women for meeting men? Many tall women do have sensational advice about meeting men. But if you’re a tall women, would you want advice from another tall women who hates being tall? How on earth can she help you? A tall woman needs input from either a very tall woman who loves being tall, or — a not-so-very tall woman who would LOVE to be as tall as you! And that’s ME!

I’m 5-8 but wish I were six feet. This makes me no more odd than a woman with a B-cup bra size who gets breast implants; a woman with brown hair who goes blonde, or a skinny woman who dreams of having curves. Because I wish I were very tall, I can bring something to the table when it comes to very tall women meeting men. Besides, when you get right down to it, it’s all about self-confidence, and any smart woman — short, medium or tall — will know this.

Feeling diminished because “all the men like the short girls?”

Suppose “all the men” also liked the blondes. Would you feel downtrodden because you have brown or black hair rather than blonde? Of course not! The fact that you can change your hair color doesn’t necessarily play into this, either. It’s just that for some reason, when men prefer shorter women, this really eats up some tall women, because you know very well that if 95 percent of men preferred women with a different hair color than yours, you probably would not change your hair color for this reason. Well, maybe you would, but many women absolutely wouldn’t even think of it.

What if most men wanted overweight women, and you’re thin? Would you get depressed over being fashionably slender and start stuffing yourself with pork chops and brownies? Of course not!

I know that most men like to see breasts on a woman. But I wear an A cup. Am I miserable and despondent over this? Of course not! Some men are breast men. I leave it at that. I accept that. And you must accept that some men, maybe MOST men, prefer a woman who’s shorter than they are. Instead, focus on a physical trait that most men LOVE: Do you have luscious lips? Beautiful hair? A glowing complexion? Shapely legs? Nice breasts? A nice butt?

I know I will never catch a breast man, and most men are breast men, in that very few men actually look for women with A-cup breasts. BUT SO WHAT. I’m not the least bit upset, because my type of man is a LEG man! I will flaunt my legs to get a man. Flaunt what you are proud of. A tall woman can still have a great pair of legs! She can have enviable muscle tone and complexion as well. She can have a great smile (which many men prize), and then there’s the whole personality and attitude thing.

Would you be drawn to a man who slumps and hangs his head?

Women often list self-confidence as a required trait in a man. Likewise, why would a man come your way if you’re slouched and trying to appear less tall? This tells him you are not confident. This is a real turnoff to men. If you stand tall and proud of being tall, a man will see a strong woman with confidence and charm. Self-loathing is one of the ugliest traits.

Adorn your body.

Go all out with the hairdo, the jewelry, the clothes, the high heels, even get a sweet little tattoo if you think that will help. But the moment a tall woman slouches and sends out those vibes of, “I hate being tall,” this will send men running in the opposite direction. If you’re having trouble meeting men, it’s not because of your height in most cases.

Yes, some men won’t look at a woman over 5-6. My brother is 5-11 and I can tell you right now that he never looked at a woman over 5-9. This is his right. He married a woman who’s 5-6. But likewise, I bet many tall women have strict preferences in their men as well! Right? He MUST be this and that, right? He MUST be handsome, right? He MUST be slender, or have a full head of hair, or broad shoulders, or a hairy chest, etc., right?

If 100 men won’t come near you, being tall might explain why 10 won’t come near you. The remaining 90 won’t come near you because you hang your head; you slouch; you exude low self-esteem; you’re too quiet; your body language says you don’t like yourself; your walk and mannerisms say you hate yourself.